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Accreditation renewal

AQUIB is the evaluating entity carrying out accreditation renewal processes of official study programs of the higher education system of the Balearic Islands. Degrees consisting of 240 ECTS, in addition to Master's degrees and PhDs, must renew its accreditation before six years. Study programs consisting of 300 to 360 ECTS must renew its accreditation before eight years.

The accreditation renewal process is focused on a compliance verification of the commitments made in the verification report. In addition, it pursues to evaluate the results of the study program, ensuring its quality. In that sense, the accreditation renewal process will advise on the continuation of the study program. These results are based, among other aspects, on the verification of the acquisition of competencies by students and academic staff, the material resources and services that support the development of the program, and the analysis of the evolution of its results.


The university describes and self-evaluates the study programme in line with the criteria established in the Agency's guidelines. Outcome: Self-Assessment Report (IA)

External visit

Panel members, appointed by AQUIB, conduct a thorough analysis of the IA and arrange an on-site visit to compare the collected information. Its primary objective is to produce a report that assesses the study programme's adherence to the Agency's standards and criteria. Outcome: Evidence of site visit (EV).

CET Evaluation

AQUIB's subcommission of the Commission of Study Programmes Evaluation (CET) assess the IA, the EV and other available information. Following its analysis, commission members elaborate a Provisional Accreditation Report (IPA), which is subsequently forwarded to the university for review. The university is granted a 20-day period to raise objections to the report. Once this deadline expires, the CET issues the Final Accreditation Report (IFA), which includes the accreditation decision. This is then distributed to the university, the Council of Universities (CU), the Ministry of Education, and the relevant Autonomous Community/es. Outcome: Final Accreditation Report (IFA).


After receiving the IFA, the CU makes a resolution within six months from the university's request. Within three business days of the approving resolution, the CU informs the university and shares it with the Ministry of Universities, the relevant Autonomous Community/ies, and AQUIB. Outcome: Resolution.

The linked texts are exclusively provided in Spanish and Catalan.

  1. Royal Decree 576/2023, of July 4, which modifies Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, regulating official doctoral studies.
  2. Organic Law 2/2023, of March 23, of the University System.
  3. Organic Law 10/2022, of September 6, on the comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom.
  4. Royal decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and quality assurance procedure.
  5. Royal decree 43/2015, of February 2, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education, and Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, by which regulates the official Doctoral Studies.
  6. Royal decree 534/2013, of July 12, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education; 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies; and 1892/2008, of November 14, which regulates the conditions for access to official university degree courses and admission procedures to Spanish public universities.
  7. Royal decree 99/2011, of January 28, regulating official doctoral studies.
  8. Royal decree 1125/2003, of September 5, which establishes the European credit system and the qualification system in official university degrees and valid in throughout the national territory.

The Commission of Study Programmes Evaluation (CET) oversees the processes related to the follow-up and ex post accreditation for official university study programmes. It operates based on the criteria established in the Agency's external evaluation guidelines. The composition and functions of the CET are defined by the Internal Operating Rules of the CET and Panels of AQUIB. According to its regulations, this commission is divided into two subcommissions:

Subcommission of Arts and Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences


Trinidad Barrera López, emeritus professor of the Spanish Literature (Universidad de Sevilla).

Academic representative (Arts and Humanities)

Javier Pérez Guerra, professor of English Philology (Universidade Vigo) and Tomás Antonio Mantecón Movellán, professor of Modern History (Universidad de Cantabria).

Academic representative (Social and Juridical Sciences)

Fuensanta Hernández Pina, honorary emeritus Professor of Research and diagnosis Methods in Education (Universidad de Murcia); Marisa Revilla Blanco, associate professor-tenured of Political Sciences and Sociology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Andreu Olesti Rayo, professor of International Public Law (Universitat de Barcelona); and Jordi Suriñach Caralt, professor of Applied Economics (Universitat de Barcelona).

Student representative

Celia Martínez González, PhD student (Universidad de Oviedo).

Quality representative

Amparo Chirivella Ramón, QA responsible (Universitat de València).

Professional representative

Miguel Albertí Amengual, Balearic Islands Bar Association.


Lara García Gimeno, AQUIB.

Subcommission of Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering and Architecture


Carmen Fenoll Comes, professor of plant physiology (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

Academic representatives (Sciences)

María Dolores Rodríguez Frías, professor of Atomic, Molecular y Nuclear Physics (Universidad de Alcalá) y Olga Busto Busto, full professor of Analytic Chemistry (Universitat Rovira i Virgili).

Academic representatives (Health Sciences)

Inés Aguinaga Ontoso, associate professor-tenured de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública (Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa) y José Miguel Fernández Dols, professor of social psychology (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).

Academic representatives (Engineering and Architecture)

María José Escalona Cuaresma, professor of computing engineering (Universidad de Sevilla) y Dolores C. Pérez Marín, professor of agricultural engineering (Universidad de Córdoba).

Student representative

Clara Isabel Urbán Martín, student of bachelor in Sociology (UNED) and bachelor in Primary School Education (Universidad Camilo José Cela).

Quality representative

Sandra Marcos Ortega, QA responsible (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca).

Professional representative

Agustí Vergés Aguiló, Balearic Islands College of Chemists.


Lara García Gimeno, AQUIB.

Agreements of the CET

Appointments of members of the CET

A panel of experts, as part of the ex post accreditation for study programmes, is responsible for conducting the university site visit. The selection of its members is done following specific technical criteria detailed in the Internal Operating Rules of the CET and Panels of AQUIB. Below are the panels designated for this task, organised by the year of the visit:

  1. On-site visits Expert panels (2024)
  2. On-site visit Expert panels (2023)
  3. On-site visit Expert panels (2022)
  4. On-site visit Expert panels (2021)
  5. On-site visit Expert panels (2020)
  6. On-site visit Expert panels (2019)
  7. On-site visit Expert panels (2018)
  8. On-site visit Expert panels (2017)

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