Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, on the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure, stipulates that after the implementation of an official university study programme, a follow-up must be conducted three years after its implementation or accreditation renewal. This follow-up aims to verify the proper implementation of the study programme according to the initial project and analyse the obtained results. Additionally, it constitutes a core instruments in the university's continuous improvement strategy.
The university employs the instruments provided within its Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) and adheres to the Protocol for the Monitoring and Renewal of Accreditation of Official Study Programmes, developed by the University Commission for the Regulation of Monitoring and Accreditation (CURSA). This protocol aims to ensure the effective execution of teaching activity, guarantee the availability of relevant information, identify deficiencies and propose corrective actions, offers recommendations for improvement during the implementation of the curriculum, and identify best practices for dissemination within the university system.
In broad terms, the follow-up seeks to showcase progress in the development of the study programme's SIGC, encompassing a reviewing of curriculum application and suggestions for actions to enhance its design and implementation.
All the texts linked are available in Spanish.
Part of this documentation is available in Spanish only.
External evaluation
The Commission of Study Programmes Evaluation (CET) oversees the processes related to the follow-up and ex post accreditation for official university study programmes. It operates based on the criteria established in the Agency's external evaluation guidelines. The composition and functions of the CET are defined by the Internal Operating Rules of the CET and Panels of AQUIB. According to its regulations, this commission is divided into two subcommissions:
President | Trinidad Barrera López, emeritus professor of the Spanish Literature (Universidad de Sevilla). | |
Academic representative (Arts and Humanities) | Javier Pérez Guerra, professor of English Philology (Universidade Vigo) and Tomás Antonio Mantecón Movellán, professor of Modern History (Universidad de Cantabria). | |
Academic representative (Social and Juridical Sciences) | Fuensanta Hernández Pina, honorary emeritus Professor of Research and diagnosis Methods in Education (Universidad de Murcia); Marisa Revilla Blanco, associate professor-tenured of Political Sciences and Sociology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Andreu Olesti Rayo, professor of International Public Law (Universitat de Barcelona); and Jordi Suriñach Caralt, professor of Applied Economics (Universitat de Barcelona). | |
Student representative | Celia Martínez González, PhD student (Universidad de Oviedo). | |
Quality representative | Amparo Chirivella Ramón, QA responsible (Universitat de València). | |
Professional representative | Miguel Albertí Amengual, Balearic Islands Bar Association. | |
Secretariat | Lara García Gimeno, AQUIB. |
President | Carmen Fenoll Comes, professor of plant physiology (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha). | |
Academic representatives (Sciences) | María Dolores Rodríguez Frías, professor of Atomic, Molecular y Nuclear Physics (Universidad de Alcalá) y Olga Busto Busto, full professor of Analytic Chemistry (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). | |
Academic representatives (Health Sciences) | Inés Aguinaga Ontoso, associate professor-tenured de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública (Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa) y José Miguel Fernández Dols, professor of social psychology (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). | |
Academic representatives (Engineering and Architecture) | María José Escalona Cuaresma, professor of computing engineering (Universidad de Sevilla) y Dolores C. Pérez Marín, professor of agricultural engineering (Universidad de Córdoba). | |
Student representative | Clara Isabel Urbán Martín, student of bachelor in Sociology (UNED) and bachelor in Primary School Education (Universidad Camilo José Cela). | |
Quality representative | Sandra Marcos Ortega, QA responsible (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca). | |
Professional representative | Agustí Vergés Aguiló, Balearic Islands College of Chemists. | |
Secretariat | Lara García Gimeno, AQUIB. |
Agreements of the CET