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Thematic analysis

The transformations and future needs hold particular importance for the Balearic Islands university system. Foresight in the field of higher education is an essential task for AQUIB, which allows progress and anticipates the needs of the stakeholders involved with the aim of continuous improvement to achieve the greatest capacity for innovation, development and promotion of talent.

AQUIB has the capacity to carry out studies and prospective work in higher education. The future requirements of higher education on knowledge, employability, continuous training and social and economic requirements force us to think and elaborate qualitative and quantitative studies that allow sustaining public policies and private initiatives at the service of society.

Thematic analysis elaborated by AQUIB follow the Protocol for the elaboration of thematic analysis approved by the Advisory Commission on December 15, 2023.

AQUIB and the Canarian Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ACCUEE), in the exercise of their respective responsibilities related to the prospecting of the university systems they oversee, have provided funding for the execution of the study entitled “Determinants of University Dropout in the Spanish Archipelagos in Comparison with the Rest of Spain.” This research project aims to address the issue of university dropout and investigate academic performance within the Spanish territory. Specifically, it seeks to analyze this issue through the comparison of students originating from the Spanish archipelagos with those hailing from the rest of Spain.

It is important to emphasize that this study has been conducted with complete independence and autonomy by the lead researcher, Ms. María Fernández Mellizo-Soto. Consequently, the opinions and conclusions expressed in this study do not necessarily reflect the position or viewpoint of AQUIB and ACCUEE.

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