The aim of the university faculty evaluation programme is to enhance the quality of teaching and research by ensuring merit and capability in the selection and appointment of various categories of academic staff (PDI) at universities.
Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the University System, mandates a positive prior evaluation of doctors' activities for their recruitment by public universities as permanent academic staff (PPL). This programme focuses on conducting such evaluations for the accreditation of PDI seeking these positions within the university system of the Balearic Islands.
In this context, AQUIB, as the external evaluation body of the Balearic university system, developed a programme between 2004 and 2023 to ensure the suitability of those seeking contractual academic positions as Assistant Lecturer (PAD) and Contracted Lecturer (PCD) as stipulated by the previous university law. Currently, AQUIB is developing new criteria and evaluation categories for PPL. This aims to guarantee quality accreditation and enhance teaching and research activities.
Under elaboration.
Notification due to the approval of the 2/2023, of 22 of March.
AQUIB is developing the new evaluation criteria. In the meantime, potential applicants may refer to ANECA.
Evaluations must be made by independent, external experts with extensive knowledge in the corresponding scientific field through evaluation committees that are organized by scientific fields based in the areas of knowledge assigned to each one. The evaluation committees for this call are:
President: Maria Magdalena Polo Pujadas (Universitat de Barcelona)
Secretary: Ester Alba Pagán (Universidad de Valencia)
Member: Maria Josep Solé Sabater (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Member: Eliseo Serrano Martín (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Member: David Saurí Pujol (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Substitute committee
Rosa Estopà Bagot (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), María Concepción Elena Fidalgo Hijano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Marta Isabel González García (Universidad de Oviedo); Germán Navarro Espinach (Universidad de Zaragoza); Olga Pérez Monzón (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
President: Ana María Serra Tort (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Secretary: Raquel Carmona Fernández (Universidad de Málaga)
Member: Javier José Loidi Arregui (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Member: José María Rodríguez-Izquierdo Gil (Universidad de Cádiz)
Member: Ismael José Mingarro Muñoz (Universitat de Vàlencia-Estudi General)
Substitute committee
María Ángeles Balboa García (Universidad de Valladolid); Javier Batlle Gelabert (Universitat de Barcelona); Nuria Eugenia Campillo Martín (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSIC); Ana María Coto Montes (Universidad de Oviedo); Rodrigo Morchón García (Universidad de Salamanca)
President: Carmen María Vázquez Cueto (Universidad de Sevilla)
Secretary: Antonio Ayala Gómez (Universidad de Sevilla)
Member: Tomás Gallego Izquierdo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares)
Member: Juan José Vendrell Ortega (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Member: Rosario Isabel Ferrer Cascales (Universitat d’Alacant)
Substitute committee
Elena Alonso Aperte (Universidad San Pablo CEU); David Ballester Ferrando (Universitat de Girona); Maria Neus Carbó Carbó (Universitat de Barcelona); Marta Gil Lacruz (Universidad de Zaragoza); Manuel Rosety Rodríguez (Universidad de Cádiz)
Out of a global total of 105 applications evaluated, 70.48% obtained a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 59.05% of the total number of applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 67.74%
Negative evaluation: 32.26%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 40.95% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 74.42%
Negative evaluation: 25.58%
Out of a global total of 101 applications evaluated, 63.37% obtained a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 58.42% of the total number of applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 59.32%
Negative evaluation: 40.68%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 41.58% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 69.05%
Negative evaluation: 30.95%
Out of a total of 112 applications evaluated, 65.18% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 55.36% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 61.29%
Negative evaluation: 38.71%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 44.64% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 70.00%
Negative evaluation: 30.00%
Out of a global total of 100 applications evaluated, 67% obtained a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 59.00% of the total of applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 64.41%
Negative evaluation: 35.59%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 41.00% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 70.73%
Negative evaluation: 29.27%
Out of a global total of 90 applications evaluated, 68.89% obtained a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 53.33% of the total number of applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 68.75%
Negative evaluation: 31.25%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 46.67% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 69.05%
Negative evaluation: 30.95%
Out of a global total of 90 applications evaluated, 55.21% obtained a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 50.00% of the total number of applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 54.17%
Negative evaluation: 45.83%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 50.00% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 56.25%
Negative evaluation: 43.75%
Out of a total of 151 applications evaluated, 69.54% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 52.98% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 67.50%
Negative evaluation: 32.50%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 47.02% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 71.83%
Negative evaluation: 28.17%
Out of a total of 96 applications evaluated, 65.63% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 57.29% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 58.18%
Negative evaluation: 41.82%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 42.71% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 75.61%
Negative evaluation: 24.39%
Of a total of 45 applications received, 57.78% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 71.11% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 53.13%
Negative evaluation: 46.88%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 28.89% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 69.23%
Negative evaluation: 30.77%
Out of a total of 76 applications received, 77.63% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 60.53% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 71.74%
Negative evaluation: 28.26%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 39.47% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 86.67%
Negative evaluation: 13.33%
Out of a total of 103 applications received, 1.94% did not meet the minimum requirements to be evaluated. Of the remaining applications, 57.43% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 62.38% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 53.97%
Negative evaluation: 46.03%
Assistant PhD lecturer – 35.64% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 63.89%
Negative evaluation: 36.11%
Assistant professor - 1.98% of the total applications evaluated
Favorable report: 50.00%
Unfavorable report: 50.00%
Out of a total of 221 applications received, 6.33% did not meet the minimum requirements to be evaluated. Of the remaining applications, 57.07% received a positive evaluation.
Contracted PhD lecturer - 64.39% of the total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 52.27%
Negative evaluation: 47.73%
Assistant PhD lecturer - 29.27 % of total applications evaluated
Positive evaluation: 66.67%
Negative evaluation: 33.33%
Assistant professor - 6.34% of the total applications evaluated
Favorable report: 61.54%
Unfavorable report: 38.46%