AQUIB's Evaluation Bank serves as a vital resource for the Agency's evaluation processes, comprising a diverse group of evaluators with varied expertise and professional backgrounds. Their knowledge and experience are key to maintaining and enhancing the quality of the Agency's evaluations.
The selection process for evaluators includes academics, researchers, professionals, and students, and adheres to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). This ensures independence, integrity, objectivity, and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
Evaluators are remunerated for their contributions, and all travel expenses related to in-person meetings are fully covered. Detailed information about the criteria and procedures for the selection of evaluators can be found in the sections below.
AQUIB keeps open the possibility of incorporating new evaluators, whether with or without previous evaluation experience, to consistently expand its database in various areas, both nationally and internationally. Knowledge of quality assurance and R+D+i external evaluations is an asset.
Individuals in the following categories are invited to participate:
These evaluations will be financially compensated. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via the same e-mail address.