The programmes for the evaluation of research, development, and innovation (R&D&I) aim to achieve excellence in these activities within universities and research centres. AQUIB participates in the evaluation of various R&D&I calls, following international quality methodologies and standards. These evaluations are carried out with the collaboration of independent external evaluators, experts in the relevant scientific field, and with total impartiality.
The evaluations follow the criteria established by the entity convening the grants, as well as general evaluation principles and standards, such as specialization, experience, independence, and objectivity.
Among AQUIB's main activities are:
Additionally, AQUIB is available for other evaluation and foresight actions of the higher education system in the Balearic Islands.
Predoctoral. The grants aim to train PhD students by funding predoctoral employment contracts, allowing researchers in training to complete their doctoral thesis.
Postdoctoral. The grants seek to promote the temporary employment of PhD holders at research organisations or R&D&I centres. This enables researchers with a PhD to complete their postdoctoral training in centres different from those where they did their predoctoral training, or to participate in stabilisation processes.
AQUIB actively evaluates various calls for grants for R&D&I activities, collaborating with other key agents in this field. Although its main focus is the Balearic Islands, it can also conduct evaluations at the national and international levels.
The evaluation process is based on the criteria and requirements established in the calls for grants and subsidies, classifying proposals by areas of knowledge and sending them to experts for review.
AQUIB uses rigorous quality standards and methodologies, both national and international, and collaborates with specialized academic and research personnel. Evaluations are conducted under the principles of impartiality, experience, specialization, objectivity, and independence.
External evaluators in the corresponding are responsible for the evaluation. More information is available on the following links: